- Retired projects - Retired projects

Old projects I for one reason or another abondoned.

Do whatever you feel with those projects, but if you fork them and park them
on sourceforge, github, or whatever, some credit would be appreciated.

No official license-file attached, but consider the code GPL.

iPhone SMS sync

Let's you extract SMSes from your (jailbroken) iPhone and send them on as mail
so that you can keep a permanent archive of who has sent what and when.

No longer maintained or improved, since I now have an Android phone.

SMSes are grouped in conversation groups and sent via Outlook as a mailing agent.

Requirements / technical details:
- iPhone must be jailbroken and running OpenSSH, as the SMSDB on the
  phone is transferred via scp.
- Wifi must be enabled and the iPhone should have a regular DHCP lease, as no
  network scanning or iPhone identification is done.
- Current implementation uses USB to detect whether an iPhone has been connected,
  so that you sync SMSes together with all the other iPhoney sync-stuff.
- Uses Microsoft Outlook to look up contacts, as I've found no easy way to grab that
  from the phone.
- Uses Microsoft Outlook as a mailing agent, so that you don't have to configure email
  in yet another program.
- It runs as a console-app, which does its thing. Just keep it minimized.
- It's a 100% .NET-app with some 32-bit dependencies (SQLite and Tamir SharpSSH).
  USB-detection depends on WMI, so might not be 100% portable out of the box, but
  otherwise I suspect this will port fine to mono as well.

The app has loads of potential for improvement which shouldn't require too much effort,
but like I said, I no longer use my iPhone. was a fully automated podcast for japanese radioshows which I made and administered.

The codebase covered several components to completely automate content-discovery, content-acquisition
and content-delivery and to ease configuration of what content to host.

While I'm no longer interested in running the site, I did enjoy writing it and I'm almost
surprised how well the code ran considering its legacy sufferings and the fact that it was
completely at mercy of something as fundamentally unstable as the web.

All content and services provided by Jostein Kjønigsen.